I Choose Joy!

Happy June, friend!

May I share an article with you that has been on my mind lately? It's titled, Gen Z treats life as a full-time job and work as a side gig. Other generations are jealous.

Now, I wouldn't say that I'm jealous. But this is why I love being in an intergenerational community. We can learn so much from each other!

I'm deeply passionate about my work. But I appreciate how Gen Zers are deeply thinking about and taking action to cultivate a life full of joy, especially so early in their career journey.

Did you know there is an actual rule around work consuming your life? It's called Parkinson's Law, which says "work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”

So, this made me think: What boundaries (or rules) can we put in place to ensure we protect and enjoy all the other beautiful facets of our lives?

Lissen, I know and understand how as

Black women, historically our roles and responsibilities both in the home and workplace have come with overwhelming demands, less flexibility, and less pay. This means we are often working longer and harder even at the expense of our health and well-being.

And yet, this is why scheduling acts of joy is even more urgent. It's also why scheduling acts of joy requires more intentionality, a supportive community, and accountability.

So, this month, I am embarking on my Four Acts of Joy Experiment. Every week, BEFORE, yes before, I schedule my work to-dos, I am scheduling at least one act of joy.

Will you join me?

Whether five minutes or five hours, schedule and commit to doing one thing that makes you smile at least four times this month. And you know the smile I'm talking about - the beautiful wide smile that shows all your teeth :).

Sign up for our I Chose Joy Experiment here. Then, we'll send you weekly accountability texts to support you.

Trust me, sis, you need it. I need it. We all need it.

Follow me on IG at @_heyauntie to see my acts of joy journey, and tag us on your acts of joy photos. We want to celebrate with you!

P.S.: Want to receive an encouraging word from an auntie? Sign up here.


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It Starts With Me!