The Takeover 2022 Women’s Conference: Bigger - Stronger - Better

Workshop: #Queendom - Sisterhood, Boss Moves, and Leveling Up

By Nicole E. Kenney, M.P.P., founder, Hey Auntie!

Gems for the Journey to Queendom

(These are pieces of advice I’ve received, strategies I’m using and resources I am referencing that are anchoring me and guiding me in this new and exciting season.)

Quote 1: "The world calls us to be a force. Jesus calls us to be a light.

  • Strategy: Always keep people’s humanity front in center. Send Thank You/Thinking About You cards

Quote 2: “Know (and believe) your identity in Christ and act accordingly.”

  • Strategy: Take a self-awareness assessment

Quote 3: “Don't let your emotions hijack your brain."

  • Strategy: Complete reflection exercises (e.g., What do I feel? What do I know?)

Quote 4: "Be slow to offense."

  • Strategy: Pause. Ask yourself (and others) clarifying questions. Why am I offended? What did you mean when you said that?

Quote 5: "It starts with me."

  • Strategy: Build a board of personal advisors who can be your cheerleaders and truth-tellers

Quote 6: "If the vision only involves you, it's not big enough."

  • Strategy: Write your 30-year goal (without thinking about the how)

Quote 7: "Rest requires submission of the soul."

  • Strategy: Take rest assessment. Complete time budget. Practice the Sabbath.


Self-Awareness Test

How Self-Aware Are You?

DISC Personality Test


Hey Auntie! Community Connects

Therapy for Black Girls

Time Budget

Daily Time Budget

Rest Assessment

Rest Quiz

Books I’ve Read


Anonymous: Jesus' hidden years...and yours by Alicia Britt Chloe

Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God is Speaking By Priscilla Shirer

Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World By Peter Scazzero and Zondervan


Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships by Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD and Deepak Chopra

Relational Intelligence: The People Skills You Need for the Life of Purpose You Want by Dr. Dharius Daniels and Judah Smith

Forgiving What You Can't Forget: Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That's Beautiful Again by Lysa TerKeurst and Thomas Nelson


It's About Time: The Art of Choosing the Meaningful over the Urgent By Valerie Burton

Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith 


The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Riles

Success from the Inside Out: Power to Rise from the Past to a Fulfilling Future by Nona Jones

Podcasts I Listen To

Truths Table

How I Built This

Mere Christians (formerly Call to Mastery)